
Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Title: 'Stuck'

‘Stuck – Orange15/16
1.  What happened to Isabella’s ball? (P3)
Isabella’s ball stopped bouncing. It went down a hole.
2.  Why couldn’t Isabella reach the ball? (P4)
Isabella couldn’t reach the ball because it was in the hole and the hole was too small.
3.  What did she find to try and get the ball out? (P5)
 Isabella tried to get the ball out of the hole with a stick.
4.  How many different people did Isabella ask for help? (P6,7,8,10)
Isabella asked four people.  Their names were Poly Tony Mrs Goldie And mr Campbell.
5.  Why was Isabella so clever? – How did she get the ball out of the hole?

Isabella so clever because she went to the Sheet And grab the bike and put water in it and Cold water in it  and the ball  blow blighted floated

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Albert dog writing

Everybody should own a dog


Cute cuddly soft protect God keep your company keep you warm Find god you are so clever keep your Don't argue I'm surprised keep your active walk with them

I think everybody should own a dog because they are cute and cuddly and because they can warm you up When you are in your bed sleeping.
Dogs can protect you when  you have a heart attack.
Image result for american pitbull

Matariki Disco